The highly acclaimed Anohana series’ producers have revealed plans to release a new anime series named as “Fureru.” Animation and production will be handled by CloverWorks Studio, the company behind Bocchi the Rock, Fairy Tail, and Spy X Family.

An interesting teaser for this new anime film was released along with its announcement. Despite having little actual video, the teaser thrilled a lot of fans.

This is due to the trailer’s emphasis on the Super Peace Busters’ earlier creations, which gave fans a decent indication of what to anticipate.

Mari Okada, a writer and director, director Tatsuyuki Nagai, and illustrator Masayoshi Tanaka make up the Super Peace Busters Creative Team.

During the past ten years, this trio has contributed to several well-known anime productions. A-1 Pictures’ Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day is arguably their most well-known piece of art.

About “Fureru” anime movie

The “Fureru” anime movie’s release in the autumn of 2024 has been confirmed.

Three boys and two girls, childhood friends are seen holding hands and grinning in front of a cityscape in the key visual.

The movie’s story, which centers around a mystery creature with magical abilities that strengthen friendships between friends, is hinted at in the trailer.

Though it’s safe to assume that it will be a coming-of-age film, there is currently no further information available about the plot.

If you enjoy anime flicks or the works of Tanaka, Okada, and Nagai, you should definitely see “Fureru.”

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