Antlered Tundra Dweller clue answer for 7 Little Words can be a little tricky to find out. Don’t worry my friends. Below we have listed the answer for 7 Little Words Antlered Tundra Dweller clue. This answer will surely help you to figure out and solve today’s 7 Little Words puzzle.
About 7 Little Words
7 Little Words is a fun word puzzle that you can play at any time of the day. The game has been created by Blue Ox Technologies. In the game, you have to identify 7 words.
To identify these 7 words, you get 7 clues. Now as you see the puzzle, you can see a grid of 4X5. In each of the boxes, there are 2 or three alphabets clubbed together.
These alphabets when arranged together as per the clues form a word that is the answer to the puzzle. For your help, the creator of the game has listed the number of letters in each word.
There is no penalty for a wrong answer. Also, there is no time limit to solve the puzzle.
Antlered Tundra Dweller 7 Little Words Answer
Now that you know how to play the game, let us have a look at the answer for the clue Antlered Tundra Dweller for today’s 7 Little Words puzzle.
8 Letters
Definition of Antlered Tundra Dweller 7 Little Words Answer
1.caribou, reindeer, Greenland caribou, Rangifer tarandus (noun)
Arctic deer with large antlers in both sexes; called `reindeer’ in Eurasia and `caribou’ in North America
2.reindeer (Noun)
An Arctic and Subarctic-dwelling deer with a number of subspecies. The North American subspecies are known as caribou.
The reindeer, also known as the caribou in North America, is a species of deer native to Arctic and Subarctic regions. This includes both resident and migratory populations. While overall widespread and numerous, some of its subspecies are rare and at least one has already gone extinct. Reindeer vary considerably in color and size. Both sexes grow antlers, though they are typically larger in males. However, there are a few populations in which females lack antlers completely. Wild reindeer hunting and herding of semi-domesticated reindeer are important to several Arctic and Subarctic peoples. The reindeer is well known in folklore due to Santa Claus’s sleigh being pulled by flying reindeer, a popular element of Christmas. In Lapland, reindeer pull pulks.
Note: Many a time the game developers use the same clue for different puzzles. To remove this confusion, the best practice while solving the puzzle is to look for the number of words in the puzzle. Also, check for the words that are available in the boxes. This trick might come in handy if there are two same clues.
You can Go to our 7 little words section for more clues.