Below you will get Grand Piece online Private Server Codes. I hope that these codes will land you in VIP locations to unlock all the rare fruits and Items.

About Roblox Grand piece Online

Roblox Grand Piece Online is an action and adventure packed game. This is one of most popular game in the history of Roblox. Roblox Grand Piece Online was created on 5/6/2018. Since then the game has gained mass fan following.

Till now the game has received more than 272.4 million visitors. More than 600000 players have added this game to their favorite list. As of now Grand piece Online has more than 15k active players.

Roblox Grand Piece Online is an adventure game. Here, you are an explorer who is on a naval journey to explore and acquire rare items. Now on your way you will be unlocking hidden locations and chests and many treasures.

As this is a journey of the sea, you will be facing pirates. You can either make them a part of your team or you can hunt them down.

Exotic fruits are the ones every one is looking for. They make you more powerful in the game. This is where GPO private servers come in handy.

Now as there are more than 15k active players, finding exotic fruits and treasures might become difficult. You can get a private server but that will cost you 700 robux.

Instead just use the below provided private server codes so that you can make way to VIP locations.

GPO Private Server Codes List

Below are the GPO server codes. These codes wrer working when we wrote this blog.

vYF7N93cqHRedeem this code for access to a private server. 
3ITxE7x6BI Redeem this code for access to a private server.
InexXeoTxM Redeem this code for access to a private server.
j7Rwd2tMxi Redeem this code for access to a private server.
OOCCGNUrSFRedeem this code for access to a private server.
pwKzqDhexo Redeem this code for access to a private server.
qR2Q1cto41 Redeem this code for access to a private server.

Expired Codes

  • lTKvkgl
  • Y1ak8uz
  • 3qvfSoX
  • 94Syc8l
  • 9hfCyed
  • 9uBsplh
  • AiU4k83
  • DWFzWTm
  • IwIrdo2
  • LUDKxyA
  • Lo8sLdJ
  • PXAB69c
  • QfS72Sd
  • R4T9P8w
  • Xe9Nakz
  • Xom9bhj
  • b7EcdlX
  • iQ7DVeo
  • k9C2lvY
  • mnOFnpc
  • qCUuDoO
  • r2b9Wmp
  • um02dAc
  • v6aZ29W
  • zZ2LkB2

How To Join Private Server In Grand Piece Online using GPO Private Server Codes?

  • On your gaming device launch the game.
  • In the main menu select Private servers.
  • You will see a text box. Now copy a code from the above list and paste iti n the box.
  • Now press the Enter button.
  • If the code works you will get a message “Teleporting”. However if the code is expired, you will not get any message.
  • If the server is full and there is no space, you will see the message “Teleporting” but you won’t teleport to a server. In this case try another server code.

How To Get Your Private Server In Roblox Grand Piece Online?

To get your own private server in Grand Piece online, it will cost you 700 robux. You can get it here.


Long awaited naval adventure experience. 

Work towards your ideal build, discover hidden locations, and challenge difficult bosses while competing with others!

Scavenge the lands for treasure and exotic fruits known to empower their eaters. Hunt the pirates, or side with them. 

Perhaps you'll join a crew, or better yet, make one yourself. 

2x legendary fruit rates are AUTOMATICALLY applied every friday-sunday

Miscellaneous controls:
P-Sit on ship
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