The anime series Noragami OVAs aired from 17th February 2014 to 17th March 2016. There were 4 Noragami OVA episodes broadcast in all.

Reportedly, the anime series Noragami OVAs has no filler episodes.

Character designs for Noragami were created by Toshihiro Kawamoto, and the film is directed by Kotaro Tamura and produced by Bones.

About Noragami OVAs

In the anime, when Hiyori Iki was trying to defend a stranger in a bus accident, she was just an ordinary middle school student.

She has frequent soul-slips from her body as a result of this encounter, and she realizes that there are two parallel worlds: the Near Shore, and Far Shore. Near Shore is home to common humans and creatures, whereas the Far Shore is home to phantoms (demonic monsters) and human souls.

She encounters Yato, the odd, nameless deity without a shrine, through her spirit. Yato is willing to grant any desire for 5 yen to gain notoriety, including Hiyori’s yearning to get her body fixed.

In addition to Yato’s Shinki (also known as “Regalia”), a weapon created from the soul of a departed person, called Yukine, the three of them have several adventures in which they struggle with their relationship, identities, and pasts.

1God’s Possession, God’s CurseManga Canon2014-02-17
2A Promise in SpringManga Canon2014-07-17
3The Yatogami Serial Murder Incident ~Noragami Suspense Theatre~Manga Canon2015-11-15
4A Picture TogetherManga Canon2016-03-18
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