Roblox Murder Mystery 3 is a survival role playing gaming. There are three characters that the players can play. You can be a killer, sheriff, or an innocent guy. If you decide to be a killer, shoot down all the innocents. As sheriff it is your duty to protect the innocents and elemininat5e the killer. The innocents need to hide from killers.
It is our sheer pleasure that we can share Roblox Murder Mystery 3 Codes with you. These codes will change your gaming experience as these codes can unlock many freebies such as knief. Also, to save you from hazel, we will guide you on how to redeem codes in Murder Mystery 3.
What Are Murder Mystery 3 Codes?
The game developers want you to have the best gaming experience. As the game progresses and reaches new heights, goodies and rewards in the form of codes are released by game makers. Also, during festivals and special occasions you can expect a few of these codes.
When you redeem these codes, you get certain items that help you in your gaming quest. You can upgrade your game characters and inventory by redeeming these codes that are game exclusive.
Roblox Murder Mystery 3 Codes List
In the list below you will find all the Murder Mystery 3 related codes. We share new codes as soon as they are posted on social handles by the developers. Sometimes the codes may expire after a while. We would advise you to redeem the codes as soon as we share them.
You can get new codes from the official Twitter or other social handles of the developers. However, checking for each code can be a bit tricky. You can bookmark this page to get the latest and working codes.
Working Codes
This is where you will find all the latest and working codes to get some freebies.
- 3MP – Redeem this code and receive Chroma Kinetic Staff (New)
- JR – Redeem this code and receive Chroma Kinetic Staff (New)
- W1Z4D! – Redeem this code and receive Chroma Kinetic Staff (New)
- FR33C0D3 – Redeem this code and receive Chroma Kinetic Staff
- V4L3N – Redeem this code and receive a Heart Axe
- !DUCK! – Redeem this code and receive a Duck Knife Skin
- LOLPOP – Redeem this code and receive some freebies
- D34TH – Redeem this code and receive some freebies
- P1ZZ4! – Redeem this code and receive some freebies
- 4000 – Redeem this code and receive a Chroma
- PINK – Redeem this code and receive Icebreaker
- CHROMA4U – Redeem this code and receive Chromalized Gem
- !H0LID4Y! – Redeem this code and receive Christmas Wand
- H0L1D4Y – Redeem this code and receive Santa’s Cat Pet
- TH4NK5! – Redeem this code and receive Chroma Initiate
- BAGUETTE – Redeem this code and receive Baguette
- EDW4RD – Redeem this code and receive Big Scissors
- !CHR0M4LIF3! – Redeem this code and receive Chroma Slayer Sword
- !F0R3V3RUSA! – Redeem this code and receive USA Knife
- G4L4XY! – Redeem this code and receive Galaxy Saber
- UEY743 – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- OM837B – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- !SH4RK! – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- UEY743 – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- NU47H7 – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- IMASBN37 – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- FR33! FR33! – Redeem this code and receive Mercy Knife
- DR4G0N5– Redeem this code and receive
- T1NY– Redeem this code and receive Pink Mini Hammer
- SK00L– Redeem this code and receive
- S0RR0W– Redeem this code and receive a Blade of Sorrow
- CH13F – Redeem this code and receive a Chief Gavel
- SL1C3R0 – Redeem this code and receive a
- H1DD3N – Redeem this code and receive a Hidden Sparkletime Pet
- C01L – Redeem this code and receive a Chroma Coil
- R3TURN – Redeem this code and receive a Box Cutter Knife
- B0X – Redeem this code and receive a Box Cutter Knife
- P1ZZ4- – Redeem this code and receive
- FR33 – Redeem this code and receive Teal Scythe
- P0T4T0 – Redeem this code and receive potato knife
- UPD4T3 – Redeem this code and receive
- !$LUCKY$! – Redeem this code and receive x5 knives
- S1L – Redeem this code and receive
- LUG3R – Redeem this code and receive Blue Luger
- $!C3LT1C!$ – Redeem this code and receive Celtic Sword
- !T3N! – Redeem this code and receive 10M Knife
- INF3RN10 – Redeem this code and receive Infernal Axe
- INF3RN4L – Redeem this code and receive Soul Knives + Infernal Axe
- M1DN1GHT – Redeem this code and receive midnight scythe
- $!BL4Z3$! – Redeem this code and receive Dragon’s Blaze Knife
- LUCK3Y – Redeem this secret code and receive Lucy Axe
- $!CR1MS0N!$ – Redeem this secret code and receive Crimsom Trident
- ATHZEAISCOOL – Redeem this code and receive the Cupid’s Slayer
- D4RK!ED – Redeem this code and receive the Darksteel Knife
- P1ZZ4 – Redeem this code and receive the Pizza Sword
- PH4R40H – Redeem this Godly code and receive the Pharaoh’s slayer
- !R3D!! – Redeem this code and receive the Red Venom
- SK311! – – Redeem this code and receive the Skeleton Slasher
- GH05T – Redeem this code and receive the ??
- @!V3N0M!@ – Redeem this code and receive ??
- c4rd1s – Redeem this code and receive the Deck of Cards
- PR1S0N3D – Redeem this code and receive the Blood Scythe
- CHR0M4 – Redeem this godly code
- V4P0R – Redeem this immortal code
- 3DG3D – Redeem this code and receive the Void Scythe
- CH40Z – Redeem this code and receive The Athzea’s Chaos Edge
- !D4G! – Redeem this code and receive The Dagger of Dimensions
- Y3P! – Redeem this code and receive The Pegasus Pet
- N00B3Y – Redeem this code and receive an Oof effect
- R$@@ – Redeem this code and receive an admin Gun
- WINTER – Redeem this code and receive a Candy Spirit Knife
- PDJ – Redeem this code and receive a PDJ Knife
- S3N – Redeem this code and receive a Sen Knife
- R41N – Redeem this code and receive a Rainbow Set
- MM3RETURN – Redeem this code and receive a Green Heart Balloon
- TH0R – Redeem this code and receive a Thor’s Hammer
- H3LH4MM2R3D – Redeem this code and receive a
- TURK3Y – Redeem this code and receive a Turkey Knife
Expired Codes
Codes in this list no longer work. You can help us by listing new or expired codes in the comment section. We will add them to their respective lists.
- CUP1D – Redeem this code and receive the Cupid’s Slayer
- 300K:
- JD:
- P0K3D1G3R:
- R!@@@:
- S33D3NG:
- TW11ST3D:
- R4T: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- T0FUU: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- exotic: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- 1000: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- DISC: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- ADM1N: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- BOOST: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- gri: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- MYS: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- SL4SH3R: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- DF13LDMARK: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- SGC: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- TWEET: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- VIRTUAL: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- ONE: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- 11FNAT1K: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- JOHNCENA: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- XXGODLY: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- DIAMFASMIFAIGISHGIAHI: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- R41N: redeem this
- S33R: this code gives you 5 rainbow seers
- S4D:
- SW0RD:
- V4P0R:
- B4GH4MM3R:
- K450:
- M00N: Redeem this code and receive the Midnight Blade
- F15H:
- P0T4T0:
- FL4M35: Redeem this code and receive the Flame thrower gun
- 200k:
- SCYTHE: Redeem this code and receive the Rainbow Scythe
- FROMHELL: Redeem this code and receive your reward
- WALKER: Redeem this code and receive your reward
For more codes and Roblox related posts, visit our Roblox Page.
Note: We would recommend you to enter the codes as they are. You can also copy and paste the codes. This is because the codes are case sensitive and might not work if entered incorrectly.
How to Redeem Codes in Roblox Murder Mystery 3?
Redeeming codes in Roblox Murder Mystery 3 is very simple. Just follow the below steps.

- On your gaming device, open Murder Mystery 3.
- Now on the home screen, just locate and tap the Twitter button on left.
- After this, simply copy the game code from our codes list.
- Paste the code as it is in the box.
- Just tap the Enter button to get your free items and rewards.
???? This is the official Murder Mystery 3????UPDATES EVERY WEEK!
???? ????2 NEW SUMMER THEMED ROBUX PACKS???? ????SUNFLOWER CASE???? ????USE CODE "FR33C0D3" FOR "Chroma Kinetic Staff"???? Join the group for free coins + x2 luck! ????????!/about ???? Tags: Murder Mystery, Sandbox, Horror, Murder Mystery 3, Fun, Grind, Event, Battle Credits - inkwaves, Dev_R0VER, Junozy, Yourius
Meet Athzea (Jax)Get this badge by meeting Athzea (Jax) in game!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever15908
Meet ZacricheyMeet Zacrichey (The Clown)
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever1473
Meet Plateau!Meet Plateau in game!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever7317
You’ve PlayedYou can obtain this badge by simply, playing the Game!
- Rarity68.4% (Easy)
- Won Yesterday5092
- Won Ever13948615
Meet A Developer!Obtain this badge by meeting a developer of MM3!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever7218
This is all we could get for you from Roblox Murder Mystery 3. If you see any codes missing or expired, just let us know in the comment section. We will test and add them to the list.