As the name suggests, Roblox The Escape Story is a prison escape and survival game. Life made you commit crimes that you would not. Now along with 11 other inmates, your are being moved to a high security prison island. Here you will be serving the rest of your prison sentence.
The prison island is full of criminals that will target you. You have to avoid any fight in the prison and work on your escape plan. In the prison you will meet Dr. Loco. He is famous for his notorious ways to fix enemies that cause trouble. There are in all 12 endings. Your end will depending on what path you choose in prison.
15 Minutes of Fame has created the game The Escape Story. It is our sheer pleasure that we can share Roblox The Escape Story Codes with you. These codes will change your gaming experience as these codes can unlock many freebies such as game cash. Also, to save you from hazel, we will guide you on how to redeem codes in The Escape Story.
What Are The Escape Story Codes?
The game developers want you to have the best gaming experience. As the game progresses and reaches new heights, goodies and rewards in the form of codes are released by game makers. Also, during festivals and special occasions you can expect a few of these codes.
When you redeem these codes, you get certain items that help you in your gaming quest. You can upgrade your game characters and inventory by redeeming these codes that are game exclusive.
The Escape Story Codes List
In the list below you will find all the The Escape Story related codes. We share new codes as soon as they are posted on social handles by the developers. Sometimes the codes may expire after a while. We would advise you to redeem the codes as soon as we share them.
You can get new codes from the official Twitter or other social handles of the developers. However, checking for each code can be a bit tricky. You can bookmark this page to get the latest and working codes.
Working Codes
This is where you will find all the latest and working codes to get some freebies.
- PIRATES: Redeem Code > free cash (New)
- epic: Redeem Code > free $50
- loco: Redeem Code > free $50
- 10k: Redeem Code > free $30
- roles: Redeem Code > free $20
- released: Redeem Code > free $10
Expired Codes
Codes in this list no longer work. You can help us by listing new or expired codes in the comment section. We will add them to their respective lists.
No Codes
For more codes and Roblox related posts, visit our Roblox Page.
Note: We would recommend you to enter the codes as they are. You can also copy and paste the codes. This is because the codes are case sensitive and might not work if entered incorrectly.
How to Redeem Codes in The Escape Story?
Redeeming codes in Roblox The Escape Story is very simple. Just follow the below steps.

- On your gaming device, open Roblox The Escape Story.
- Now on the home screen, just locate the Twitter button on left.
- After this, simply copy the game code from our codes list.
- Paste the code as it is in the box with the caption “Code Here”.
- Just tap the Redeem button to get your free items and rewards.
You and 11 other inmates are being transferred to a maximum-security prison island to serve out your sentences. The warden and his guards won't tolerate any troublemakers. Keep your eyes peeled for other dangerous inmates. Oh, and did we mention Dr. Loco? He has a way of fixing the inmates that misbehave... Don't you even think about escaping this jail! There are currently 11 endings in the game. Can you get them all and uncover the mysterious of Prison Island? [UPDATE]: -- Mafia Boss Role -- Hard Core Mode (Each round won awards 2 wins, Weapons do more damage, Enemies stronger, 1 heart per round) New ending update at 45k likes ???? @Zeustice -- Programmer, Creative Director, Lead Developer @Rektway -- Project Manager @Rainway -- Investor
Roblox The Escape Story Badges
First Time PlayingYou played for the first time!
- Rarity100.0% (Freebie)
- Won Yesterday23502
- Won Ever2481647
Raft EscapeYou defeated Dr. Loco (for now) and escaped his prison island using a raft.
- Rarity13.2% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday2894
- Won Ever339564
Boat EscapeYou escaped by boat!
- Rarity1.9% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday424
- Won Ever82867
Helicopter EscapeYou escaped by helicopter!
- Rarity0.6% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday127
- Won Ever21252
Forever Lost EndingYou escaped but have no idea where you are…
- Rarity0.3% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday68
- Won Ever18157
One Of Us EndingIf you can’t beat them, you join them…
- Rarity3.6% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday789
- Won Ever76561
Flood Escape EndingYou escaped and destroyed Dr Loco’s prison island!
- Rarity12.0% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday2640
- Won Ever375484
Balloon EscapeYou soared to the sky and escaped from prison island.
- Rarity0.4% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday82
- Won Ever3033
Play Bus BashYou played the Bus Bash minigame!
- Rarity16.5% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday3615
- Won Ever477835
Play Laundry DashYou played the Laundry Dash minigame!
- Rarity67.8% (Easy)
- Won Yesterday14871
- Won Ever1638564
Play Mail MayhemYou played the Mail Mayhem minigame!
- Rarity2.1% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday464
- Won Ever88226
Play Refuel RushYou played the Refuel Rush minigame!
- Rarity1.9% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday427
- Won Ever83438
Play Road RaceYou played the Road Race minigame!
- Rarity1.5% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday337
- Won Ever59212
Play Basket BrawlYou played the Basket Brawl minigame!
- Rarity28.0% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday6146
- Won Ever695739
Help Chef OllieYou helped Chef Ollie!
- Rarity1.1% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday241
- Won Ever39145
Help Nurse HelgaYou helped Nurse Helga by completing her quest!
- Rarity2.3% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday513
- Won Ever96107
Help Mr. CoolYou helped Mr. Cool by completing his quest!
- Rarity1.4% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday313
- Won Ever59925
Pick PocketYou pickpocketed a guard…
- Rarity55.1% (Easy)
- Won Yesterday12087
- Won Ever1170724
Defeat Subject BuffyYou defeated Subject Buffy
- Rarity2.3% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday494
- Won Ever93485
Defeat Dr.LocoYou Defeated Dr. Loco
- Rarity13.8% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday3033
- Won Ever353254
Defeat Subject WardenYou defeated Subject Warden
- Rarity0.9% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday201
- Won Ever39419
Defeat Subject HelicopterDefeat Subject Helicopter
- Rarity0.6% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday131
- Won Ever21860
Break The Fuse BoxYou Broke The Fuse Box
- Rarity1.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday221
- Won Ever39604
Knock Out A GuardYou Knocked Out A Guard
- Rarity21.0% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday4605
- Won Ever502940
Mail SorterYou helped sort the mail
- Rarity2.0% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday445
- Won Ever85758
Tunnel DiggerYou dug a tunnel!
- Rarity20.2% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday4435
- Won Ever474219
Pipe BreakerYou broke a pipe
- Rarity4.6% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday1013
- Won Ever120733
Little HelperYou completed an NPC Quest
- Rarity3.4% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday755
- Won Ever135559
Re-FuelerYou fueled the boat
- Rarity1.9% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday407
- Won Ever78604
HungryYou got hungry and ate cafeteria food..
- Rarity31.5% (Moderate)
- Won Yesterday6905
- Won Ever796754
ScavengerSearch for something as a Regular Inmate
- Rarity10.3% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday2254
- Won Ever245355
BreakerBreak something as a Buff Inmate
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday8
- Won Ever1089
SearcherSearch for something as a Medic Inmate
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday1
- Won Ever623
ExplosiveBlow something up as a Demolition Inmate
- Rarity10.6% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday2333
- Won Ever233224
HackerHack something as a Hacker Inmate
- Rarity7.7% (Extreme)
- Won Yesterday1693
- Won Ever206770
Squeaky CleanYou cleaned yourself off
- Rarity68.4% (Easy)
- Won Yesterday14985
- Won Ever1665042
Watch Guard DefeatDefeat the Watch Guard
- Rarity0.2% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday42
- Won Ever6007
Lock PickerYou picked a lock
- Rarity2.1% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday455
- Won Ever62684
Rat FighterFight off the sewer Rats
- Rarity2.5% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday547
- Won Ever100388
Nurse FighterFight off the subject nurses!
- Rarity2.6% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday577
- Won Ever104040
Goon FighterFight off the goons
- Rarity29.2% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday6411
- Won Ever723160
Inmate FighterFight off the inmates
- Rarity74.5% (Cake Walk)
- Won Yesterday16339
- Won Ever1793470
Guard FighterFight Off The Tower Guards!
- Rarity26.3% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday5759
- Won Ever666673
Subject Guard FighterFight off the subject guards
- Rarity1.6% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday354
- Won Ever60761
Subject Inmate FighterFight off the subject inmates
- Rarity20.9% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday4585
- Won Ever486613
CrafterCraft An Item
- Rarity23.7% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday5195
- Won Ever617584
ThriftyPurchase a Weapon
- Rarity30.4% (Moderate)
- Won Yesterday6664
- Won Ever766115
Trust LennyYou trusted Lenny
- Rarity29.4% (Challenging)
- Won Yesterday6435
- Won Ever617704
Save The OthersYou decided to save the others!
- Rarity0.3% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday70
- Won Ever18763
ExplorerExplore the prison!
- Rarity1.9% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday425
- Won Ever67831
Cell MateYou picked a Cell
- Rarity59.8% (Easy)
- Won Yesterday13099
- Won Ever1474698
Unlock A DoorYou unlocked a Door
- Rarity17.8% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday3907
- Won Ever391515
Treasure HunterYou found the secret buried treasure
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday4
- Won Ever454
CookYou cooked something up as the chef role!
- Rarity1.7% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday374
- Won Ever40631
Swat FighterYou fought off the SWAT team!
- Rarity6.2% (Extreme)
- Won Yesterday1362
- Won Ever152795
Defeat BorisYou defeated Boris
- Rarity4.0% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday887
- Won Ever114603
Submarine EscapeYou escaped by submarine
- Rarity3.7% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday801
- Won Ever105685
Hideout FinderYou discovered the secret inmate hideout!
- Rarity12.8% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday2813
- Won Ever266076
Play Manic MiningYou played the Manic Mining Minigame!
- Rarity11.0% (Hard)
- Won Yesterday2419
- Won Ever238491
Nuke EscapeYou Escaped from prison island before it got nuked!
- Rarity7.3% (Extreme)
- Won Yesterday1602
- Won Ever137090
Soldier FighterYou fought off the Soldiers
- Rarity8.8% (Extreme)
- Won Yesterday1937
- Won Ever156972
Boot CampYou made it through Boot Camp
- Rarity7.6% (Extreme)
- Won Yesterday1671
- Won Ever142503
Caved InYou didn’t make it out…
- Rarity0.6% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday128
- Won Ever4335
Balloon CaptureYou didn’t make it very far.
- Rarity0.7% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday164
- Won Ever5674
Spider FighterYou fought off the Spiders.
- Rarity3.5% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday766
- Won Ever23956
Ghost FighterYou fought off the Ghost Guards.
- Rarity3.2% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday693
- Won Ever21279
Defeat Senior LocoYou defeated the ghost of Senior Loco
- Rarity1.5% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday335
- Won Ever11557
Defeat Sniper GuardYou defeated the Sniper Guard.
- Rarity0.4% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday82
- Won Ever3060
Lab DefenderYou defended yourself from the lab ghost guards!
- Rarity2.5% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday538
- Won Ever17042
Lab SmasherYou smashed up Senior Locos lab.
- Rarity2.3% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday500
- Won Ever15920
Prisons PastYou discovered the prisons past area.
- Rarity3.8% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday836
- Won Ever25782
Ladder FinderYou found and placed the ladder to the vents!
- Rarity0.4% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday98
- Won Ever3506
Picture Perfect TreasureYou found the secret Picture Perfect Treasure!
- Rarity0.2% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday46
- Won Ever962
Dr.Locos TreasureYou found Dr.Locos secret treasure!
- Rarity0.9% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday201
- Won Ever4294
Under A Rock TreasureYou found secret treasure under a rock..
- Rarity1.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday215
- Won Ever4144
Shipping Yard TreasureYou found secret Shipping Yard Treasure!
- Rarity0.1% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday17
- Won Ever437
Help Crafty ChrisYou Helped Crafty Chris!
- Rarity1.2% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday264
- Won Ever8470
Board CutterYou cut the boards to the elevator shaft.
- Rarity1.1% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday240
- Won Ever7374
Elevator OperatorYou operated the old elevator!
- Rarity1.2% (Insane)
- Won Yesterday259
- Won Ever7119
Flood Escape Ending [HARD MODE]You escaped and destroyed Dr Loco’s prison island in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday1
- Won Ever82
Raft Escape [HARD MODE]You defeated Dr. Loco (for now) and escaped his prison island using a raft in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday5
- Won Ever99
Boat Escape [HARD MODE]You escaped by boat in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday6
- Won Ever78
Helicopter Escape [HARD MODE]You escaped by helicopter in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever61
Forever Lost Ending [HARD MODE]You escaped in hard mode but have no idea where you are…
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever51
One Of Us Ending [HARD MODE]
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday2
- Won Ever76
Balloon Escape [HARD MODE]You soared to the sky and escaped from prison island in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday4
- Won Ever87
Submarine Escape [HARD MODE]You escaped by submarine in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday5
- Won Ever50
Nuke Escape [HARD MODE]You Escaped from prison island before it got nuked in hard mode!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday6
- Won Ever96
Caved In [HARD MODE]You didn’t make it out in hard mode…
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday3
- Won Ever61
Balloon Capture [HARD MODE]You didn’t make it very far in hard mode..
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday4
- Won Ever55
First Time Playing Hard ModeYou played the escape story in hard mode for the first time!
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday9
- Won Ever250
New Ending
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
New Fighter Badge
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
New Boss Fight
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
New MiniGame
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
New Hidden Treasure
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
New Ending Hard Mode
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
New Mini Boss
- Rarity0.0% (Impossible)
- Won Yesterday0
- Won Ever0
This is all we could get for you from Roblox The Escape Story. If you see any codes missing or expired, just let us know in the comment section. We will test and add them to the list.