An anime series called “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” follows horse girls as they compete in races and engage in idol-related activities.

Fans were given a surprise announcement when the 3rd season of the anime came to a close. Big screen time for the horse girls as they head to the races!

“Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Beginning of a New Era” is the title of the next anime film based on the “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” franchise. On May 24, 2024, the movie will debut in theatres around Japan.

When a special announcement regarding the anime series’ first feature was made, fans were excited.

The announcement of a new teaser trailer and key illustration for the anime movie Uma Musume Pretty Derby revealed this news.

The announcement of the movie undoubtedly thrilled the fans, even if there is currently no word about a 4th season.

Here’s what we know so far!!

The key characters in the events of the movie can be seen in the approximately 30-second teaser trailer. This features Jungle Pocket, Agnes Tachyon, and Manhattan Cafe.

The movie centers on Jungle Pocket, a racer who desires to take part in the Triple Crown Classic race and has to compete with rivals Manhattan and Agnes.

The following actors have been revealed as the film’s major cast:

CharacterCastOther Works
Agnes TachyonSumire UesakaShalltear Bloodfallen (Overlord)
Jungle PocketYuri FujimotoMetropink (Platinum End)
Manhattan CafeYui OguraVanica Zogratis (Black Clover)

The production company working on the movie is Cygames. The staff members participating are as follows:

PositionStaffOther Works
Character Designer and Chief Animation DirectorJun YamazakiUma Musume Pretty Derby: Road to the Top
DirectorKen YamamotoPokémon: Hisuian Snow
Film DistributorTOHOThe Boy and the Heron
Script WriterKiyoko YoshimuraCardfight!! Vanguard G
Series Composition and Scenario DirectorTetsuya KobariUma Musume Pretty Derby Season 3
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