Daughter for Dessert game revolves around a father and daughter who live in the woods. Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough will lead you through all the 4 chapters.
Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough – Chapters 1-4
- 1st Chapter: Lanie
2nd Chapter
- Veronica: Casual question > Can i buy you a drik > Sure, lets… > She doesn’t like me >Any profesion>Any drink > don’t give up on your dreams > “let me get my things together”
- Heidi: Do some bartending > $500 > Complete the minigame >Know or don’t know her doesn’t matter > So, do you have a boyfriend > embrace her
3rd Chapter
- Amanda: Don’t move her head (hope she doesn’t notice) > Amanda’s door > Minigame
- Kathy: You have to let loose some times
4th Chapter
- Veronica: unlock the scene or use the Cheat: Yeah, I could. Beat the high score of the game you want > Absolutely
- Heidi: unlock the scene or use the Cheat: Don’t be so boring. Beat the high score of the game you want > Discuss it upstairs
- Amanda:
Cheats (without “*”):
- Heidi scene: ch4heidise*x
- Veronica scene: ch4veronicase*x
- No scenes: ch4nose*x
Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough – Chapters 5-8
5th Chapter
- Kathy: Atracted to me>Goahead & ask> i wish i knew how o felt> complete minigame (dishwasher) > Keep going > Scene
- Amanda: Let her jump in
6th Chapter
- Amanda: You don’t choose what life you live
7th Chapter
- Oliva: Beat de car game or use the Cheat: Why not. Yeah, it’s sweet > She had a hard live > I would love a reward
- Amanda: Choices don’t matter > Scene
Cheats: you can also skiop the driving minigame – ch7roadking
8th Chapter
- Lily: Choices don’t matter > Pool scene
- Amanda: Choices don’t matter > Scene
Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough – Chapters 9-12
9th Chapter
- Amanda: Choices don’t matter > Scene
- Kathy: If you obtained the scenes of the chapters 3 & 5 > Go see her > We only talked > Any >Drink > Don’t Drink > cussed out a customer > Don’t drink (cow balls) > photo of someone’s butt > Don’t drink (Sky diving) > Don’t drink (steal something > Naked in the dinner > ok, but quick
10th Chapter
- Amanda: Make stories come to life
- Heidi: Kathy and I are just friends > Sure, tonight > a restaurant > something between you and blake > ….a rim job is out of the question > option for dinner > Wait for Blake > Yes, let’s go
11th Chapter
- Lily: you need a massage > i can give you a good one
- Amanda: Choices don’t matter > shower scene
Cheat: if you want to skip the memory minigame – ch11nomemory
12th Chapter
- Lily: chase her
- Kathy & Heidi: Don’t tell about Amanda, requires date with Heidi (Chapter10) > Go to Kathy’s
Cheat (without “*”): scene – ch12tr*io
Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough – Chapters 13-16
13th Chapter
- Kathy: Things got a little out of hand last night
- Moe’s office minigame: The key is located randomly, but in the office. And the cabinet it opens is also random. But once you have the photo (cabinet), get the picture (underneath Moe’s pillow) and the laptop code (board on the right – code 7a14b6e)
- Lily: Yes, come in > let me take a bite
Cheats (without “*”):
- No scene in chapter 12 – Ch13nothreeso*me
- Skip minigame (only for patrons): ch13skipminigame
- Kathy’s scene (only for patrons): ch13getkathytease
- Lily’s scene (only for patrons): ch13se*xnow
14th Chapter
- Amanda: Go to her room
- Heidi: I will go > meet her > do what you had planned
Cheats (without “*”):
- Heidi’s scene (only for patrons): ch14heidise*x
- Amanda’s scene (only for patrons): ch14amandase*x
(Save point: The ending depends on your choices in chapters 15, 16 and 17)
15th Chapter
- Lanie: Choices don’t matter > MC’s apartment Scene
- Lily: I will take you > select all, but the bottom one the last > I will keep you company
Cheats (without “*”):
- Lanie’s scene (only for patrons): ch15laniese*x
- Lily’s scene (only for patrons): ch15lilyse*x
- Skip minigame (only for patrons): Ch15nohacking
- Disable cheats (only for patrons): ch15nocheats
16th Chapter
- Kathy & Heidi: Yes, Drink > Watch Kathy
- Heidi – Heidi / Kathy – Kathy
Cheats (without “*”):
- (3) scene (only for patrons): Ch16threesom*e
- Heidi’s scene (only for patrons): Ch16heidise*x
- Kathy’s scene (only for patrons): Ch16kathyse*x
- Skip minigame (only for patrons):Ch16noarcade
- Disable cheats (only for patrons): Ch16resetcheats
Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough – Chapters 17-19
17th Chapter
Your previous choices count, and you can only be in one path:
- Amanda: I can’t give up what we…
- Heidi: You can only be in this path if you denied Lily (chapter 15) and Amanda (just before – chapter 17), and if you picked Heidi (chapter 16)
- Kathy: You can only be in this path if you denied Lily (chapter 15) and Amanda (just before – chapter 17), and if you picked Amanda (chapter 16)
- Lily: You can only be in this path if you progress with Lily (chapter 15) and you denied Amanda (just before – chapter 17), and Heidi (chapter 16)
Cheats (without “*”):
- Amanda’s Scene (only for patrons): ch17beachse*x
- Choose Lily (only for patrons): ch17lily
- ChooseKathy (only for patrons): ch17kathy
- Choose Heidi (only for patrons): ch17heidi
- Disable cheats (only for patrons): ch17resetcheats
18th Chapter
Your previous choices count, and you can only be in one path, same path as in chapter 17, your choices in chapter 18 don’t matter:
- Amanda:.
- Heidi:
- Kathy:
- Lily:
- Select girl: ch18selectgirl
- Love interest: ch18loveinterest
19th Chapter
Your previous choices count, and you can only be in one path, same path as in chapter 17, your choices in chapter 19 don’t matter:
- Amanda:.
- Heidi:
- Kathy:
- Lily:
- Ending: Ch19ending
This is all we could get from Daughter for Dessert Walkthrough. Visit our walkthrough page for more guides.