An anime series called Bleach OVAs aired from 2004 to 2006. There were 2 Bleach OVA episodes broadcast in total.

Bleach OVAs have a high filler proportion of 50% with a total of 1 documented filler episode.

About Bleach OVAs

The first OVA was called Memories in the Rain. This special is a pilot episode for the program that was aired in Japan at the Jump Festa 2004 Anime Tour and then released on DVD.

As a separate one-episode adaptation of episodes 8-9, this extended edition focuses more on Ichigo’s sentiments surrounding his mother’s death.

In this special, Kon is spoken by Tite Kubo, the creator of Bleach, rather than Mitsuaki Madono, who was Kon’s original voice actor.

The second OVA was titled Sealed Sword Frenzy. The Bleach Jump Festa 2005 Anime Tour included it.

The main focus is on Baishin, a Soul Reaper who was sealed by Soul Society for four centuries before the beginning of the series, and his escape from captivity.

He uses up half of Ichigo’s spiritual energy fighting him. Rukia, Renji, and a few other Soul Reaper captains journey to the land of the living to assist Ichigo.

1Memories in the rainManga Canon2004-12-18
2The Sealed Sword FrenzyFiller2006-03-23
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