An anime series called Clannad: After Story aired from 3rd October 2008 to 26th March 2009. 24 episodes of Clannad: After Story were broadcast in total.
Clannad: After Story has a low filler proportion of 5% with a total of 1 documented filler episode.
There are twenty-two normal episodes, one additional episode, and a summary episode including the best parts of the series out of the twenty-four total episodes.
Later on the DVD, an original video animation (OVA) was made available.
Based on Nagisa’s storyline, the Clannad visual novel’s After Story arc is adapted into an anime series called Clannad: After Story.
Clannad: After Story is created by the same staff members as the original series and features the same cast of voice actors.
The anime series Clannad: After Story is directed by Tatsuya Ishihara.
About Clannad: After Story
The emotional rollercoaster of growing up is experienced by Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa.
Unable to choose a future path, Tomoya finds the importance of a strong work ethic and the depth of Nagisa’s support. The pair advances to face their issues, strengthen their current connections, and forge new ones thanks to their commitment and shared vision.
# | Title | Type | Airdate |
1 | The Event from One Year Before | Anime Canon | 2009-03-19 |
2 | Another World: Kyou Chapter | Anime Canon | 2009-07-01 |
3 | Under the Green Tree | Filler | 2009-03-26 |