The manga series “Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu” is also known as “A Smile in an Unbearable Workplace” in English. The show is well-known for its lovable characters, honest relationships, and realistic humor.
A TV anime adaptation of the manga industry-themed Egao No Taenai Shokuba Desu manga is scheduled to premiere in 2025. The show’s animation production firm is called Voil.
The ninth tankoubon book, which was published on January 18 JST, has the announcement on its obi. Interestingly, TV anime adaptations are one of the topics covered in this edition.
The words “2025 TV anime adaptation is green-lit!” are printed on the volume’s wraparound jacket band.
Kuzushiro, an artist from Egao No Taenai Shokuba Desu, also made a commemorative illustration.
The manga presents a charming depiction of the routine events and exchanges that occur at a publishing house, including spontaneous coffee breaks and brainstorming sessions.
It chronicles Nana’s challenges in her personal and professional life, presenting sympathetic situations and poignant moments.
About Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu WorkPlace Comedy Manga
Kuzushiro is the author of the manga series Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu. In February 2019, Kuzushiro debuted the manga as a one-shot in Kodansha’s Kiss magazine.
In May 2019, Kodansha began serializing the manga on its Comic Days application and website.
The story of Egao no Taenai Shokuba Desu centers on the lives of aspiring shoujo manga artist Nana Futami. Her editor, Kaede Sato, and her assistant, Mizuki Hazama, are her unwavering supporters.
She suffers from severe delusions, which Nana refers to as an “occupational illness,” yet she perseveres in her hard job with the support of her coworkers.
Nana’s story illustrates the struggles and victories faced by women in the arts and emphasizes the value of tenacity and self-discovery.