Here we will have look about the weaknesses, league counters and raids for the Pokemon Gorebyss. We will also cover all the different characteristics such as resistance, moves, raid performance, weakness, stats, league rating and other info. All this stuff will be very useful when you go for battle.
Gorebyss Weakness Pokemon Go – Weaknesses & Resistances
“X” is the intensity of the damage multiplier that your Pokemon receives when attacked by other Pokemon. 1.6x means your Pokemon will receive damage 1.6 times more than normal. 0.5x means that your Pokemon will get only have the damage.
Electric x1.6 | Grass x1.6 |
Water x0.625 | Steel x0.625 | Ice x0.625 | Fire x0.625 |
Similar Pokemon
- Blastoise (Shadow)
- Castform (Rainy)
- Golduck (Shadow)
- Bibarel (Shadow)
- Blastoise
- Croconaw (Shadow)
- Relicanth
- Basculin
Gorebyss Weakness Pokemon Go – Raid & Best Counters
Water Gun and Psychic will be your key moves when you attack other Pokémon in Gyms with Gorebyss. When you perform these moves in combinations, you get highest total DPS. This is also considered as the best moveset in PVP battles.
Attack to Gym: Water Gun 12 dps & Psychic 32.1 dps
Defense in Gym: Confusion 12.5 dps & Psychic 32.1 dps
Gorebyss is a Water type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Grass and Electric moves.
The strongest Pokemon you can use to beat Gorebyss are:
No Legendary Counters
- Zarude
- Quick Move: Vine Whip (Grass)
- Main Move: Power Whip (Grass)
- Electivire
- Quick Move: Thunder Shock (Electric)
- Main Move: Wild Charge (Electric)
- Roserade
- Quick Move: Razor Leaf (Grass)
- Main Move: Solar Beam or Grass Knot (Grass)
- Rillaboom
- Quick Move: Razor Leaf (Grass)
- Main Move: Grass Knot (Grass)
- Magnezone
- Quick Move: Spark or Charge Beam (Electric)
- Main Move: Wild Charge (Electric)
Legendary Counters
- Thundurus (Therian)
- Quick Move: Thunder Shock or Volt Switch (Electric)
- Main Move: Thunderbolt (Electric)
- Zekrom
- Quick Move: Charge Beam (Electric)
- Main Move: Wild Charge (Electric)
- Deoxys (Attack)
- Quick Move: Zen Headbutt (Psychic) or Poison Jab (Poison)
- Main Move: Zap Cannon (Electric)
- Deoxys (Normal)
- Quick Move: Charge Beam (Electric)
- Main Move: Thunderbolt (Electric)
- Raikou
- Quick Move: Volt Switch or Thunder Shock (Electric)
- Main Move: Wild Charge (Electric)
Gorebyss Weakness Pokemon Go – League Rating & Counters
Great League Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
- Rank Position: 726
- Level: 22.5
- Best Stats: 0/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Water Gun
- Recommended Charged Moves: Psychic, Water Pulse
Key Wins – Best Counter Against Gorebyss
- Magcargo
- Gliscor
- Castform (Sunny)
- Talonflame
- Bastiodon
Key Losses – Gorebyss Best Counters
- Sableye
- Medicham
- Azumarill
- Stunfisk (Galarian)
- Nidoqueen (Shadow)
Ultra League Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
- Rank Position: 493
- Level: 46.5
- Best Stats: 0/15/12
- Recommended Fast Moves: Water Gun
- Recommended Charged Moves: Psychic, Water Pulse
Key Wins – Best Counter Against Gorebyss
- Magmortar (Shadow)
- Charizard
- Salazzle
- Cobalion
- Stunfisk (Galarian)
Key Losses – Gorebyss Best Counters
- Giratina (Altered)
- Cresselia
- Swampert
- Swampert (Shadow)
- Talonflame
Ultra League (Premier Classic) Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
Master League Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
- Rank Position: 450
- Level: 50
- Best Stats: 15/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Water Gun
- Recommended Charged Moves: Psychic, Water Pulse
Key Wins – Best Counter Against Gorebyss
- Chandelure
- Golem
- Rhydon
- Typhlosion
- Entei
Key Losses – Gorebyss Best Counters
- Giratina (Origin)
- Dialga
- Mewtwo
- Togekiss
- Groudon
Master League (Classic) Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
No ranked
Master League (Premier Classic) Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
No ranked
Retro Cup Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
- Rank Position: 608
- Level: 22.5
- Best Stats: 0/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Confusion
- Recommended Charged Moves: Psychic, Water Pulse
Key Wins – Best Counter Against Gorebyss
- Farfetch’d (Galarian)
- Toxicroak
- Sirfetch’d
- Machamp (Shadow)
- Politoed
Key Losses – Gorebyss Best Counters
- Walrein
- Altaria
- Trevenant
- Medicham
- Froslass
Silph Guardian Cup Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
No ranked
Silph Factions (Cave) Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
No ranked
Silph Factions (Fusion) Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
No ranked
Silph Factions (Dungeon) Gorebyss Rating & Gorebyss Counters
- Rank Position: 208
- Level: 22.5
- Best Stats: 0/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Confusion
- Recommended Charged Moves: Psychic, Water Pulse
Key Wins – Best Counter Against Gorebyss
- Roserade
- Haunter
- Gengar
- Toxicroak
- Heracross
Key Losses – Gorebyss Best Counters
- Registeel
- Walrein
- Swampert
- Galvantula
- Kommo-o
Gorebyss Weakness Pokemon Go – About
- 368 Gorebyss
- Pokémon type:
Water |
- Classification: South Sea Pokemon
- Capture Rate: 20%
- Shiny Gorebyss Rate: 1 in 400-600 (approx)
- Flee Rate: 6%
- Buddy Candy Distance Gorebyss: 3 km
- Cost for Gorebyss Second Charge Attack: 50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Maximum Gorebyss CP (level 40)
- Standar: 2.494
Maximum Gorebyss CP (level 50 & 51)
- Standar: 2.820
- Buddy: 2.853
Stats Gorebyss
- Attack: 211
- Defense: 179
- Stamina: 146
Quick moves Gorebyss
- Water Gun (Water) > Damage: 5 > DPS: 12
- Confusion (Psychic) > Damage: 20 > DPS: 12.5
Main moves Gorebyss
- Draining Kiss (Fairy) > Damage: 60 > DPS: 23.1
- Water Pulse (Water) > Damage: 70 > DPS: 26.3
- Psychic (Psychic) > Damage: 90 > DPS: 32.1
Gorebyss Weakness Pokemon Go – Evolution
1º Clamperl > Huntail
2º Clamperl > Gorebyss
No evolution
This is all from the world of Pokemon. Visit our Pokemon page to learn about Pokemon.