CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE is an amazing Roblox game. Developer using their skills and hard work gave us this wonderful game to play on the Roblox platform. It is our sheer pleasure that we can share Roblox CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE Codes with you. These codes will change your gaming experience as these codes can unlock many freebies such as Voins, Diamonds. Also, to save you from hazel, we will guide you on how to redeem codes in CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE.


The game developers want you to have the best gaming experience. As the game progresses and reaches new heights, goodies and rewards in the form of codes are released by game makers. Also, during festivals and special occasions you can expect a few of these codes.

When you redeem these codes, you get certain items that help you in your gaming quest. You can upgrade your game characters and inventory by redeeming these codes that are game exclusive.


In the list below you will find all the CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE related codes. We share new codes as soon as they are posted on social handles by the developers. Sometimes the codes may expire after a while. We would advise you to redeem the codes as soon as we share them.

You can get new codes from the official Twitter or other social handles of the developers. However, checking for each code can be a bit tricky. You can bookmark this page to get the latest and working codes.

Working Codes

This is where you will find all the latest and working codes to get some freebies.

  • MASSIVEBUGFIX—Redeem for 900 Coins (New)
  • EVENT—Redeem for 400 Coins (New)
  • DELAY—Redeem for 800 Gems (New)
  • 300KMEMBERS—Redeem for 300 Gems 
  • 40KFAVORITES—Redeem for 300 Gems
  • 20MILVISITS—Redeem for 300 Gems 
  • GEMS—Redeem for 200 Gems 
  •  DAILY—Redeem for 200 Coins 
  • BIGUPDATESOON—Redeem for 300 Coins
  • SECRET—Redeem for 200 Coins
  • NEWYEARS—Redeem for 200 Coins
  • 150KMEMBERS—Redeem for 200 Coins
  • 20KFAVORITES—Redeem for 200 Coins
  • XMAS—Redeem for 100 Coins
  • 5MILVISITS—Redeem for 200 Coins
  • WINTER—Redeem for a reward
  • funfactthatididntknowaboutistheideathatdolphinsdontalwayshavetheabilitytoswiminwaterlikeyouknowhowsometimestheydothingsthatareawfullysillylikewhentheyhavewatergooutofthetopofthemoristhatawhalemaybeimthinkingofawhaleohwelliforgotthefactanyways—Redeem for 200 Coins (New)
  • 100KMEMBERS—Redeem for 100 Coins
  • ENDLESS—Redeem for 100 Coins
  • WEBACK—Redeem for 100 Coins
  • 1MILVISITS—Redeem for 100 Diamonds
  • 50KMEMBERS—Redeem for 100 Diamonds

Expired Codes

Codes in this list no longer work. You can help us by listing new or expired codes in the comment section. We will add them to their respective lists.

  • tyboosters—Redeem for a reward
  • CIRCUS—Redeem for 100 Coins
  • SORRY—Redeem for 900 Coins

Note: We would recommend you to enter the codes as they are. You can also copy and paste the codes. This is because the codes are case sensitive and might not work if entered incorrectly.

How to Redeem Codes in CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE?

Redeeming codes in Roblox CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE is very simple. Just follow the below steps.

  1. On your gaming device, open Roblox CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE.
  2. Now on the home screen, just locate & tap the Heart button.
  3. After this, simply copy the game code from our codes list.
  4. Paste the code as it is in the box with the caption “Enter Code Here”.
  5. Just tap the Confirm Code button to get your free items and rewards.

This is all we could get for you from Roblox CIRCUS TOWER DEFENSE. If you see any codes missing or expired, just let us know in the comment section. We will test and add them to the list.

? Join our social server for live news about game review! We'll be back soon.

❤️ Use code CIRCUS for 100 FREE COINS! Limited time only!!


⭐ LIKE the game + JOIN the group for a FREE KING UNIT!

? EXCLUSIVE Season 1 Egg and Golden Jester Girl available for a LIMITED TIME!

How to play?
-Go to one of the map platforms to teleport into a game.
-Place units on the map (select them at the bottom of your screen)
-Try to beat all the waves and earn coins!
-Unlock more units in the Summoning area, Shop and Season Egg!
-Good luck beating NIGHTMARE mode.. ?

⚠️ JOIN OUR SOCIAL SERVER if you have ideas/balancing feedback/bug reports!

❤️ This is a fan-made game inspired by The Amazing Digital Circus by GLITCH and the game Toilet Tower Defense all credits go to them! ❤️
Age GuidelinesN/A
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