An anime series called School Rumble: Extra Class OVAs aired from 22nd December 2005 to 22nd December 2005. There were 2 episodes of School Rumble: Extra Class OVAs broadcast in total.

Reportedly, the anime series School Rumble: Extra Class OVAs has no filler episode.

The School Rumble’s first and second anime seasons as well as the Extra Class OVAs were released in English by Funimation.

On Oricon Charts, the School Rumble: Extra Class OVAs was also rated once, at number 66.

About School Rumble: Extra Class OVAs

The several first-season narratives are combined to create the School Rumble: Extra Class OVAs.

Ignorance is bliss! She is a second-year high school student who is obsessed with one question: Will the boy she adores notice her in the real world?

He’s the most infamous juvenile offender at the school, and all of a sudden, he realizes something shocking: He has a major crush on this girl, and he needs to tell her how he feels.

Obsessions that change lives, enormous blunders, elaborate plans, ingrained fears, and raging hormones in High school are depicted in School Rumble as it truly is: ridiculously funny!

1New-Term Excitement! To Be Near You Scramble! The Naked Truth!Manga Canon2005-12-22
2Smile, Please! Mammoth, Yum! May I fall in Love?Manga Canon2005-12-22
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