An anime series named ‘Shadows House’ aired from 11th April 2021 to 4th July 2021. It aired on Tokyo MX and other channels. Season 1 of Shadows House had a total of 13 episodes broadcast.

Shadows House has a filler percentage that is 0% with a total of 0 reported filler episodes.

The anime television series Shadows House is based on the manga series of the same name by the team Somato.

The show is directed by Kazuki Ōhashi and animated by CloverWorks. ReoNa performs “Nai Nai“, the closing theme song.

Toshiya Ōno wrote the screenplay, Chizuko Kusakabe designed the character designs, and Kenichiro Suehiro created the soundtrack.

Discover the adventures of Emilyko, a youthful and happy living doll, as she assumes her role as Kate Shadow-sama’s attendant.

A gigantic house inhabited by faceless shadow aristocrats cared to by living dolls. They dedicate much of their time to mopping up the unending soot that their enigmatic masters seem to be emitting.

As Sarah and Kate delve deeper into the inner workings of the shadow society, what perils and sinister mysteries are they going to face?

You just need to watch to find out!

Filler List for Anime Series “Shadows House”

Below you will find the update list of all the episodes that have aired till date for anime Shadows House. If there is an update, or if a new episode airs, we will add it to the list.

1The Shadow and Her DollManga Canon2021-04-11
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