The Story Behind Asta Having No Mana and Possessing a Five Leaf Grimoire. The anime Black Clover with infusions of adventures, superpowers and magical spells attracts everyone.

Every little thing holds interest and there might be many things which should have left you in awe or raised many questions in your head.

So here we are to let you know the minute things of the anime.

Let us begin with Grimoire.

In the anime, all the powerful and enchanting magic spells are contained within the magic book named Grimoire. We are already aware that the people of the place are magic holders and this book adds to the natural magic powers of them, as a icing on the cake.

The Story Behind Asta Having No Mana and Possessing a Five Leaf Grimoire

One interesting thing that you should be shocked to know is that – Grimoires are not just fictionally created, they do exist in the real world as well.

Wizards and mages used to possess grimoires for the purpose of curing. Like in today’s era we have apps, devices which are end to end encrypted, back in the times grimoires were used to stored encrypted data.

Asta’s Exception

The Story Behind Asta Having No Mana and Possessing a Five Leaf Grimoire

It can be possible that Asta and Yuno are brothers. Their parents might have thought that their child must rule the place. But at any place, there can be only 1 king. So they might have had a deal with the Demon to make any one of them as the Wizard King. This gives us a clear cut idea that why Yuno is naturally born with abilities, power and magic and Asta with no Mana.

Leaf on the Grimoire

Everyone in the kingdom possesses Grimoire. And each grimoire has clovers on them which are representative of Faith, hope and love.

While every citizen has only 3 clovers, Yuno and Asta are exceptions; they have extra clovers on their Grimoire, four and five clovers respectively.

The Story Behind Asta Having No Mana and Possessing a Five Leaf Grimoire

The fourth one represents Good Luck while the fifth one in Asta’s grimoire is a representation of Demon. It empowers Asta with some dark demon powers.

The creator’s viewpoint

The inspiration of clovers was not innate, it came from series like Lord of Rings. The European faith about  concepts like Devil, Magic and Angel might have fascinated the creator Yuki Tabata and that is the reason he puts them in his works.

We hope you found this interesting.

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